Technical Conference – "Preventing Work-Related Cancer"

20th and 21st November 2023

A Technical Day in the framework of the "Roadmap On carcinogens"
The Roadmap on carcinogens initiative has been running since the event organised by the Dutch Presidency of the Council of the EU on the prevention of work-related cancer in 2016. Under the framework, six European organisations, Austria, the Netherlands, Business Europe, the European Trade Union Confederation, the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) and the European Commission, decided to join forces to develop a voluntary action plan to raise awareness of the risks arising from exposure to carcinogens in the workplace and to promote exchange good practices between companies and organisations.
The roadmap has evolved into a larger initiative with many active participants. The four main objectives of the Roadmap are:
  • To raise awareness across Europe among companies and workers about the risks of exposure to carcinogens and the need for preventive action.
  • To provide assistance to companies and workers to prevent exposure to carcinogenic substances in the workplace and to minimise their effect on the workforce.
  • To mobilise stakeholders and increase the involvement of relevant parties, such as sectors and industry, to multiply our efforts across Europe..
  • To focus innovation on bridging the gap between research results and business needs.
In 2020, a new Roadmap strategy was defined and articulated in four pillars and 12 challenges.
Since its inception, the number of organisations committed to the Roadmap on Carcinogens has been increasing, with most of the governments of the successive presidencies of the Council of the EU joining the Roadmap, the most recent being the Spanish incorporation in March 2022.
Officially, the current phase of the Roadmap on Carcinogens will end in 2024 with the Belgian Presidency of the EU Council. 
Both the Spanish and Belgian presidencies of the Council are organising events where the four main objectives of the Roadmap will be discussed in depth and the work carried out on the challenges will be reviewed.
The technical conference to be held on 20 and 21 November 2023 as part of the Roadmap is one of above mencioned events.
Video - 20th November 2023
Video - 21st November 2023

Register, we count on you!

You have two ways to attend. In person or streaming.
Logo persona dando una conferencia Intervenciones de ponentes de primer nivel del INSST y EU-OSHA
Logo tres personas Dos paneles donde se tratarán los desafíos de la digitalización
Logo tres personas sentadas charlando Una mesa de agentes sociales donde se debatirá sobre digitalización y SST

Programme and speakers of the Technical Conference

Here you can download the programme of the technical conference and consult the speakers.

Lunes, 20 de noviembre

12.30 Registro
13.00 Cóctel de Bienvenida
14.00 Bienvenida y presentaciones
14.45 Pesentación de los primeros resultados de la encuesta EU-OSHA sobre la exposición de los trabajadores a los factores de riesgo de cáncer en Europa (WES)
15.30 Sesión: Fuentes de Información sobre carcinogénicos
16.15 Pausa café
16.45 Sesiones paralelas

Martes, 21 de noviembre

9.30 Presentación de las conclusiones de los talleres del día 20
10.15 Conferencia Transición verde y empleos verdes
10.45 Pausa café
11.15 Mesa redonda
12.15 Mesa redonda
13.00 Clausura

Monday, November 20

12.30 Registration
13.00 Welcome cocktail
14.00 Welcome and presentations

14.30 The roadmap on carcinogens: where do we stand?
14.45 Presentation of the first results of the EU-OSHA Workers´ Exposure
Survey on Cancer Risk Factors in Europe (WES)

15.30 Session: Sources of information on carcinogens
16.15 Coffee break
16.45 Parallel Sessions about carcinogens (on-site)

18.15 End of parallel sessions

Tuesday, November 21

09.30 Presentation of the conclusions of the workshops
10.15 Conference: Green transition and OSH
10.45 Coffee break
11.15 Roundtable
12.15 Panel Discussion
13.00 Closing session

Lunes, 20 de noviembre

12.30 Registro
13.00 Cóctel de Bienvenida
14.00 Bienvenida y presentaciones
14.45 Pesentación de los primeros resultados de la encuesta EU-OSHA sobre la exposición de los trabajadores a los factores de riesgo de cáncer en Europa (WES)
15.30 Sesión: Fuentes de Información sobre carcinogénicos
16.15 Pausa café
16.45 Sesiones paralelas

Martes, 21 de noviembre

9.30 Presentación de las conclusiones de los talleres del día 20
10.15 Conferencia Transición verde y empleos verdes
10.45 Pausa café
11.15 Mesa redonda
12.15 Mesa redonda
13.00 Clausura

Site of the Technical Conference

If you are participating in person, here you will find information on how to attend the technical conference.


Instituto Nacional de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo
Calle de Torrelaguna, 73, 28027 Madrid


Barrio de la Concepción (Line 7)


EMT - 122
EMT - 53

Links and documents of interest for the Technical Conference

Here you can download documents that we consider of interest in the context of this day.
Imagen portada Desafíos de la digitalización para la sst


Tool providing information on carcinogens, germ cell mutagens and reproductive toxicants (reprotoxicants).

Imagen portada Desafíos de la digitalización para la sst


Collection consisting of a series of monographic brochures on the most common chemical carcinogens found in the workplace.

Imagen portada Desafíos de la digitalización para la sst


Campaign aimed at the working population, employers and prevention services, which objective is to raise awareness of the importance of avoiding exposure to carcinogenic or mutagenic chemicals at work.
Imagen portada Desafíos de la digitalización para la sst



Workers may be exposed to asbestos and it may be necessary to perform some minor work on them to carry out their maintenance or repair tasks.


Other links of interest